Elevate Your Mind with DailyGrowth

Take your mind to new heights with DailyGrowth. Save webpages effortlessly, enjoy offline reading, and track your reading progress. Stay motivated and informed with timely reminders that help you unlock your intellectual potential.

Powerful features for your growth

Effortless Bookmarking

Seamlessly save webpages, organizing your favorite content for easy access later.

  • Instant content saving
  • Easy organization
  • Access anytime, anywhere

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Instant content saving

Bookmark added immiedietly for future sync

Access anytime, anywhere

Made for continous learning

Seamless Progress Tracking

DailyGrowth automatically tracks your reading progress, enabling you to pick up right where you left off, making it easy to continue reading articles seamlessly.

  • Track progress seamlessly
  • Never lose your place
  • Efficient learning management

Offline Reading

Access your saved articles and webpages even without an internet connection, ensuring uninterrupted learning wherever you go.

  • Read offline anywhere
  • Uninterrupted learning
  • Read articles even with images
Read offline anywhere

Saved bookmarks available without network connection

Uninterrupted learning

Resume reading last bookmark right where you left

Simple pricing plans for every budget

Straight forward and up front pricing plans designed to suit teams of any size.



  • Unlimited bookmarks
  • Offline reading
  • Tracking progress
  • Reminders


Frequently asked questions

Can I read articles offline with DailyGrowth?
Absolutely! DailyGrowth allows you to access your saved articles offline, making it convenient for reading during flights, commutes, or when you’re in areas with limited internet connectivity.
Can I set reminders to keep learning every day?
Definitely! DailyGrowth offers customizable reminders, allowing you to set notifications at your preferred time. These reminders will help you stay on track with your learning goals and prompt you to explore your saved content regularly.
Does DailyGrowth track my reading progress?
Yes! DailyGrowth automatically tracks your reading progress, ensuring you never lose your place. You can seamlessly continue reading articles right where you left off, making your learning experience seamless and efficient.
Can I access my saved content on multiple iOS devices?
Absolutely! DailyGrowth seamlessly syncs your bookmarks and reading progress across all your iOS devices. Whether you’re using your iPhone or iPad, you can access your saved articles and continue your reading journey seamlessly.

Question not answered above? Contact us

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There has never been a better time than right now.